KiasuTuition is an online platform built to help students and parents to find a suitable tutor to meet their unique tuition needs. Explore our database of tutors and tuition assignments to find the right class for yourself!

For Students / Parents:
Register for an account to be part of our growing online tuition community, hire a private tutor and explore our database of group tuition assignments to suit your needs!

For Tutors:
Register for an account to list yourself on our online platform to boost your visibility. Find the right tuition assignments that suit you, or post your own group tuition assignments on our platform!

For Tuition Agencies:
Register for an account to list your tuition assignments and find tutors!

For Tuition Centres:
Check out our advertising page to find out how you can boost your tuition centre’s branding and visibility.

It is possible that your email address or username has already been taken. Please try signing up with a different email address or username. It could also be possible that our website is currently undergoing maintenance or upgrading, and our administrator has disabled registration to prevent new visitors from signing up.

Leave us a message or send an email to admin@kiasutuition.com if you face any issues.

Don’t panic! While your password cannot be retrieved, it can easily be reset. Visit the login page and click I forgot my password. Follow the instructions and you should be able to log in again shortly.

However, if you are not able to reset your password, send us an email at admin@kiasutuition.com.

To download our complimentary resources, simply like us on our Facebook Page by clicking the like button. Once you have successfully liked our Facebook Page, a download button will appear which will direct you to the download page.

Simply click on the “Hire A Tutor” menu under For Students & Parents. You will be directed to a page where you have to complete a form and fill up your tuition needs and your application will be submitted for approval.

Simply register for an account as a tutor with your email address and password. Once you have successfully registered, you will be directed to the next step where you have to fill up your profile with your personal details (e.g. basic information, educational attainment, experience etc). Click on the submit button and your registration is complete.

For students and parents who are looking to seek tuition, you can either “Hire a Home Tutor” or “Join a Group Tuition” on our portal. Simply submit our online form to submit your requests, and we will get back to you once we find a fit for your tuition needs.

If you have any questions, simply email us at admin@kiasutuition.com.

As a registered tutor on KiasuTuition, you can connect yourself to our community of students, parents, tuition agencies and tuition centres.

  1. Post a Group Tuition
    • Offering a small group tuition class? Simply fill up our online form to post your Group Tuition Class and students can apply for your classes via our platform.
  2. Apply for Tuition Assignments
    • Interested in a particular Tuition Assignment? Simply click on the “Apply for Assignment” button on the respective Tuition Assignment pages. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted by our team.

As a registered Tuition Agency on KiasuTuition, you can post your Tuition Assignments on our platform to look for the right tutors for your assignments. Simply fill up our online form to post your tuition assignment and once you submit, it will be posted on our platform automatically.

As a registered Tuition Centre on KiasuTuition, you can post your Group Tuition classes to attract students to sign up. Simply fill up our online form to list your Group Tuition classes.

On top of that, you can also increase your brand awareness by advertising on our website. For more information, email us at admin@kiasutuition.com to find out more.

Tutor CategoryPri 1-3Pri 4-6Sec 1-2Sec 3-4JC1JC2
Polytechnic Students$18-$20$20-$25$22-$25$25-$30N.A.N.A.
Part-Time Tutor$20-$25$25-$35$30-$40$35-$40$40-$45$45-$60
Full-Time Tutor$25-$30$30-$40$35-$40$40-$45$45-$50$50-$60
School Teachers$30-$40$35-$70$40-$70$45-$75$50-$80Above $80

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